Durlon® Joint Sealant

Durlon® Joint Sealant is a highly fibrillated expanded PTFE form-in-place sealant for gasketed joints and conforms to FDA requirements. Supplied on spools, Durlon® Joint Sealant comes in various thicknesses with a high quality adhesive backing to ease in installation, making it ideal for worn flanges of all sizes and is not dependent on flange dimensions. It exhibits flexibility, compressibility and stability under high temperature and high tensile strength.

Industries Chemical Processing , Food & Beverage , Marine , Pharmaceutical
A highly fibrillated expanded PTFE form-in-place sealant for gasketed joints. Supplied on spools, it is not dependent on flange dimensions. Durlon® Joint Sealant comes in various thicknesses with a high quality adhesive backing to ease in installation and is ideal for worn flanges of all sizes. It exhibits flexibility, compressibility, stability under high temperature and high tensile strength. Durlon® Joint Sealant is chemically inert and resists creep relaxation to maintain a tight seal. Durlon® Joint Sealant conforms to FDA requirements. Durlon® Joint Sealant is easily cut with scissors to the correct length. The adhesive backing holds the sealant in place while position around the flange inside the bolt circle to isolate the flow media. The ends should overlap 3/4″ to 1″ on either side of a bolt to ensure leak-tight performance. It is recommended to use a size about 40-50% of the sealing surface.